#1 Vendor Item Association
topThrough this procedure it is possible to view the list of vendor items to which a nomenclature code has not yet been assigned. Once having selected the list of these ones and defined, at the base of the mask, the nomenclature, to be assigned, it will be possible to attribute it simply by clicking on the related management button.
The item definition is secondary compared to the sales item.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions linked to the procedure in use. The list of features is the following:
FILTER AREA: the filter area contains the list of possible data type thanks to which it is possible to perform a selection. Typically filters have always 'AND' condition and it is possible to specify more search filters at the same time.
RESULT GRID: the result grid represents the list of Intrastat declarations which correspond to filter data, above mentioned. After having specified values through which to obtain an items search, the user, by clicking on [Search] button on the related Ribbon, will obtain the list of desired items on result grid.
BuildDate : 02 agosto 2013